Foundry Resource Planning Solutions

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FRP® – Consulting  now in India

It’s been a long journey when 3 years ago the RGU decided to conquer the APAC region. Like with many successful companies an initial spark was required to generate an explosion and with this a widespread burning fire was created. Since the beginning of the India FY2017/18 numerous metal casting companies have decided to explore the opportunity to join the company that is driving digital transformation like no other and that is acting on the forefront of the “foundry 4.0” concept.

FRP Office Building Image

One of the key elements of this concept was and is to introduce new and innovative digital solutions allowing foundries to evolve everything from inquiry to delivery of castings on one digital platform. The community learned that using Excel or generic ERP software is by far not enough to control operations and complete digital means are required for PPC in planning and scheduling – a domain that is in many metal castings companies THE major headache on daily basis. In addition, there was or is not enough, or even none at all, transparency and traceability available as analogue / conventional means are prevailing.

Only when integrated digital means are deployed foundry operations will become visibly transparent and via the display into integrated dashboard real-time decisions can be made.

Having understood these requirements and fine-tuning the approach especially in India, the author had in various publications in the past explained that in order to achieve “foundry 4.0” (which is a derivative from the well-known expression of “industry 4.0”) or anything similar into that direction, it will be essential to embrace – among many others technical advancements – FRP® – Foundry Resource Planning Solution technology, a common digital platform allowing foundries to create data driven decision making and visualizing these via state-of-the-art and fully integrated dashboard solutions.

Foundries in India were and are still sceptical and many decided that the digital transformation time is not (yet) for and with them.

They can now look forward to help and direction directly provided by


Operationally located in the western India city of Vadodara, Gujarat

FRP® Consulting’s mission is to spearhead the digital transformation activities in terms of consulting and implementation within India but also APAC. Among others the following products and services are available from FRP® Consulting (in short: FRP®-CON):

  • SFRI – Smart Foundry Readiness Index services and consulting. An integrated approach in form of a simplified audit allowing foundries and forging companies to understand their ability to digitally transform and embark on the “industry / foundry / forging 4.0” journey. A key deliverable will be a spider-web-diagram indexed feedback form allowing the management to make key decision into the direction of digitalisation.


  • FRP®.BASE – an entry level solution explicitly designed for (M-)SME foundries that are scared for big investment into digital transformation OR that have yet to move from Excel into an integrated system. FRP®.BASE is completely standardized in terms of software and consulting / implementation, and works in any environment of metal casting. This allows a time and cost-conscious approach. To qualify for FRP®.BASE there is no minimum requirement in terms of size / type of the operation but a maximum requirement in terms of open mind-set FRP®.BASE has a key-deliverable in form of the SeW – inventory overview. In one screen clients will know what happened to their orders, where are my castings and what needs to be done next. A true cockpit view of total metal casting requirements.


  • FRP®.kompakt – THE digital platform evolving all from inquiry to delivery of castings (including certificate). Since the introduction of FRP®.kompakt to the industry numerous clients have decided that this is their solution in terms of digital transformation. A future-ready software system that adapts to the operations and not the other way around. FRP®.kompakt can easily be achieved by opting for FRP®.BASE first and then upgrading to “kompakt”. Investments are just the balance / difference of these 2 approaches.


  • FRP®.melt – As a sector-specific MES (manufacturing execution system), the FRP®.melt program package, which is a further development of the ks schmelze (“schmelze” is German for “melt”) package by ADV Schulte GmbH and is now part of the FRP® System Standard, provides continuous support for the melt process and is an integrated digital IT-solution for better melt operations. The core of FRP®.melt is the calculation of the optimal charge-composition and recharging. There are different options available for calculating a standard composition, for evaluating material costs for the material as well as for each batch to support management of the melt. FRP®.melt is driving digital solution technology right to the core of any foundry – the melt shop itself!! It is available as a standalone program – so no need for other FRP® products to obtain OR as module fully integrated in the FRP® System Standard


  • FRP®.OPTI – the complete suite of all FRP® System Standard applications. FRP®.OPTI is currently only available in Europe but once a critical mass of clients is achieved in India this suite if solution will also become available.

For all solutions offered by FRP®-CON a dedicated team of consultants is supporting the implementation / training / consultancy. With this the success factor – even under difficult organizational circumstances – is guaranteed.